Monday, March 26, 2012

It's Getting Hard

The first two months of my revolt were successful. I researched a topic that I knew a little about and came up with a game plan for the following month. It went well.

This month is another story. So satisfied with the last couple of months, I've rested on my laurels. I've all but slept on them. There are many reasons why I've been lax in my reporting to you.
  • I'm frustrated by the lack of apathy in my peers. I was annoyed that not a lot of my friends or family were jumping on the bandwagon with me. I thought I was a potential Moses, here to lead people to revolutionary living. But I had to realize that people around me will eventually lose their "outrage" energy and go on to other things. Besides, I have to reconsider why I need others to "follow" me. Is it the external validation I need to keep going? If so, I need to remember what the real purpose of this year. My friend reminded me that historically, visionaries are by themselves most of the time. It takes a long time for others to catch on.
  • Perhaps I suffer from "outrage-fatigue" myself. I too, can run out of steam. I often start projects really gung-ho and then after awhile. . . I search for something else to do. A year long experiment? Why am I doing it if I have such a short attention-span? I actually don't know. But it helps to have a different issue to deal with every two months. Looking forward to something new within the year long experiment gives me a refreshed feeling.
  • I feel like I already know women. Yeah, that's really arrogant. I feel like I know more about women (being one and all that) than I do about animals. So there, what research do I possibly need to do? Of course, that's gotten me into trouble. Without doing the research that I needed to do, I now lack focus for April's revolt. Now I have a week to get my shit together. Wish me luck.
So that's how the sausage is made. Or not made. I'm hoping to get it together and continue. Again, wish me luck.

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