Thursday, January 5, 2012

So Here's the Plan

"So here's the plan," she's says more to herself than to her husband. "I need to start a revolution." Even as she said the words, it was glaringly apparent that she had no real plan. Her husband knew this but humored her.

"I want to. . . tackle. . . all of the things I don't like about the world in one year. One month could be designated for one cause. Another month for another month. So on, so on. What do you think?"

This got her a raised brow. "That's an interesting idea," her husband replied. "What will you protest?"

She was stumped.

"Because you can't protest for the sake of protesting," he told her. "Nothing gets done if you don't know what you're fighting."

So she thought and came up with this.

"Now," she said with a smile, "now I have something."

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