Wednesday, February 29, 2012


My month of Animal Rights protest is over. What have I managed? I read about the use of animals in our culture and watched what animal cruelty looked like. I learned something that will carry me through the rest of the year: nothing is black or white.

We all believe in something and most of the time we have a strong opinion about it. When I first started out, I knew I didn't like how animals were treated in our country and I was gung-ho about doing something about it. Along the way, however, I found out there wasn't a PETA persona hidden within me.

Truths (kinda)

People will hunt and I can't do anything to change that. Mostly because there's a good reason to hunt. Not for sport, of course, but for sustenance. Believe it or not, people still live off of the land. They kill animals and use them for meat. And then I found out that this little fact wasn't "black or white" either. People are able to hunt animals like deer because of the population explosion. What causes that population explosion is that there is no predator for deer, like wolves and mountain lions. Why? Because people hunt them. Sometimes for sport and sometimes out of self-defense. We've moved in on the predator's land and can't find a way to live with them. So even this gets muddy with an unclear answer.

What about medical research? Without it would we have the medical advances we benefit from today? That's also a hard nut to crack. I don't like the idea of rats and monkeys being locked up and tested. I can only imagine the discomfort they experience and the lack of freedom they have. But I have seen the results of using them in experimentation and the ends do justify the means.

What I did (and what I believe everyone can do)

1. Something I was concrete about was that our food production system was broken, badly. We are producing food in an unsustainable and unhealthy rate. By the time my future child is able to eat a chicken nugget, it will be made entirely of chemicals. I can't bear the thought of that. The lives that the chicken will have led before becoming a chicken nugget will also be hard for me to digest. Literally. So I went stone cold vegan. It was hard not to take that plunge. If I was going to talk a big game about treating our livestock better, I couldn't possibly continue biting the exploited hand that fed me.

2. I also tried my best to buy beauty products that weren't animal tested. I could tolerate animal testing in the area of medical research but for cosmetics? It's unacceptable. I also write for another blog le salon des naturelles, where I report on natural hair maintenance and natural living. This pressed me to amp up my natural beauty product usage. I read the labels carefully and made certain that my shampoo and conditioner was safe to use.

3. I knew that manufacturing pets was wrong. Puppy mills, kitty mills, rabbitries, all of it is out of control. In every state in our country, there are hundreds of shelters where homeless animals go to die. But thousands of people will go to pet stores to buy newly bred dogs, cats, ect. There is an industry, that's as bad as the food industry, supplying our demand for animal companions. So I created a petition to tell Petland, a large pet store chain to stop selling rabbits. It's small but a good start. Whether they decide to stop selling rabbits or not, I hope that I've spread awareness about this growing problem. Hopefully, someone who wants a bunny in their home can visit their local shelter instead.


As far as my first month of protest goes, I'd say it well. Considering I have no experience in organized protest, I'm satisfied with what I did. But I know I can do more. This month doesn't have to end my animal rights protest. I've considered sticking to veganism for a little while longer. It's not killing me and I actually feel healthier these days. My petition isn't over either. I've only got about 300 signatures and I want more. So I don't believe there is anything wrong with a little spill over into the next month. After all, I'm trying a while year to live better and be more vocal. Tomorrow starts my research for Women's Rights. I go into it knowing a little more about what I'm capable of and how much work is really needed.

Please wish me luck.

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